About Us

Cognitive Change was founded by Daniel Linehan in November 2011. For over 17 years, Cognitive Change has been providing excellent service to each individual, couple, and family through the use of CBT for all ages. All our therapists are either certified in CBT, TEAM-CBT, or DBT and are supervised by a certified CBT therapist. Our goal with all clients is to learn how to move toward the life the client wants to live while accepting themselves & the world around them.

Leaf growing
grown plant

Live The Life You Want To Live

CBT approaches and addresses dysfunctional emotions, maladaptive behaviors and cognitive processes through a number of goal-oriented, explicit systematic procedures. This technique acknowledges that there may be behaviors that cannot be controlled through rational thought. CBT is “problem-focused” and “action-oriented”- the therapist tries to assist the client in selecting specific strategies to help address those problems.

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Privacy Policy

Your health record contains personal information about you and your health. This information about you that may identify you and that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services is referred to as Protected Health Information (PHI). This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use and disclose your PHI in accordance with applicable law and the NASW Code of Ethics. It also describes your rights regarding gaining access to and controlling your PHI.

We are required by law to maintain PHI’s privacy and provide you with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to PHI. We are required to abide by the terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices. We reserve the right to change the terms of our Notice of Privacy Practices at any time. Any new Notice of Privacy Practices will be effective for all PHI that we maintain at that time. We will provide you with a copy of the revised Notice of Privacy Practices by providing one to you at your next appointment.

  • For Treatment. Your PHI may be used and disclosed by those who are involved in your care for the purpose of providing, coordinating, or managing your health care treatment and related services. In some cases, this may include interns of Cognitive Change for use in clinical supervision. We may disclose PHI to any other consultant only with your authorization.
  • For Payment. We may use and disclose PHI so that we can receive payment for the treatment services provided to you. This will only be done with your authorization. Examples of payment-related activities are making a determination of eligibility or coverage for insurance benefits, processing claims with your insurance company, reviewing services provided to you to determine medical necessity, or undertaking utilization review activities. If it becomes necessary to use collection processes due to lack of payment for services, we will only disclose the minimum amount of PHI necessary for purposes of collection.
  • Required by Law. Under the law, we must make disclosures of your PHI to you upon your request. In addition, we must make disclosures to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services for the purpose of investigating or determining our compliance with the requirements of the Privacy Rule.